Honey Bee Suite

  • Honey Bee Suite

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    The word “suite” often refers to a collection of closely related items: a series of rooms, a set of orchestral pieces, or a collection of software. This suite will center on bees, mostly–but not exclusively–honey bees, and the issues that are currently affecting their survival. Environmental toxins, climate change, agricultural practices, and bee management techniques are just a few of many possible topics.

    My goal is to explore ways that we, as citizens of the earth, can help the bees that keep food on our tables and beauty in our lives. Publicity surrounding Colony Collapse Disorder has increased awareness of honey bees and other pollinators beyond measure–attention that is the silver lining in an otherwise very dark cloud. Among the legions of new beekeepers and bumblebee counters will be those who add substantially to our collective understanding of these fascinating creatures.



    Website: http://www.honeybeesuite.com/

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