Welcome to Beekeeping links

Here you will find a collective of web links for all your beekeeping needs.

I set this website up, because as a new Beekeeper I struggled to find what I was after. Every Bee website I went to, had links to a few really good websites but non had links to all, so here I have tried to put them all in one place! If you know of a good Bee related website which has been over looked please email.

Featured Website

  • Thomas Apiculture

    Thomas Apiculture, ZA of the Gospel, 321 Rue Bernard de la Rochefoucauld, 45450 Fay-aux-Loges, France,

    P anointed starting our business The reputation of our company is due initially to our beeswax. Beekeeper bayberry, Emile Thomas was one of the first embossing. It began its activity in 1905. This is Bernard, one of his son, who, on his return from captivity in Germany after the Second World War, resume Foundry wax.


    Email: contact@thomas-apiculture.com

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